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Only around 10% of Malawian women use the internet: A Call for Equitable Access

In today's interconnected world, access to digital resources and the internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

While many countries have made significant strides in digital inclusion, the digital divide continues to persist, particularly in regions where resources are scarce. Malawi, a country in southeastern Africa, grapples with this challenge as it strives to provide equal opportunities for its citizens.

Let's delve into some numbers and statistics that underscore the digital divide in Malawi, shedding light on the urgency of bridging this gap.

  • Malawi's internet penetration rate stands at approximately 12.8%

  • Mobile phone penetration is higher than internet penetration, reaching around 35.2%.

  • Approximately 47% of primary schools in Malawi lack access to electricity, making it challenging to integrate technology into education.

  • The digital gender divide is pronounced, with women having less access to digital resources compared to men.

  • Only around 10% of Malawian women use the internet, highlighting the need for gender-sensitive digital inclusion strategies.

Addressing the digital divide in Malawi is not only a matter of technological advancement but a means to empower individuals, enhance education, and foster economic growth. By leveraging the power of digital connectivity, Malawi can pave the way toward a more equitable and prosperous future for all its citizens. The numbers and statistics paint a stark picture, but they also emphasize the potential for positive change through collective action.

How connectED will help support to bridge the digital divide in Malawi:

The connectED project is reshaping education in Malawi, bridging the digital divide and unlocking a world of opportunities for underserved communities.

A collaboration between Unconnected.org. 48 percent, Fast Network and Starlink, the initiative provides refurbished laptops, digital literacy training, and financial education to local schools. By equipping students with digital skills and knowledge, connectED is breaking barriers, fostering empowerment, and building a brighter future for Malawi.

Addressing the digital divide in Malawi is not only a matter of technological advancement but a means to empower individuals, enhance education, and foster economic growth. By leveraging the power of digital connectivity, Malawi can pave the way toward a more equitable and prosperous future for all its citizens. The numbers and statistics paint a stark picture, but they also emphasize the potential for positive change through collective action.

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