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Remote School in Philippines Secures Free WiFi for Students and Community

A school situated in a mountainous area in Ilocos Norte, Northern Philippines was the recipient of a satellite connectivity solution for use by students and faculty. 

Principal Manny Pagaduan of Sta. Catalina Elementary School was very persevering in gathering support of the community around the school for the project. 

The school is a beneficiary under Ding, which aims to kick-start ISPs through unconnected.org in providing free internet access for educational institutions. 

Additional access points were set up by Ruralink, a local ISP, to ensure that the whole school premises are covered by free and safe WiFi access. Surrounding communities will be able to access the Internet as well, despite the lack of commercial telecommunications coverage, thanks to the network laid out by Ruralink. 

Ruralink’s Marc Abiva shared their journey from riding a rugged jeepney to going through thick vegetation to finally reaching the school - possibly, a daily feat for some, now made more bearable, fulfilling the promise of access to the internet of opportunities.