Extending the life of digital devices: a collaborative project between unconnected.org and CompAsia
Every year, tonnes of unwanted devices are irresponsibly discarded. Not only does this cause pollution, the possibilities that could come from these devices are never realised. We are all aware of what access to the internet can offer to communities - education, enterprise and more - yet internet access is greatly limited by access to smart devices due to high costs.
CompAsia and unconnected.org will begin its outreach to corporations by Q4 of 2023
If you or your business would be interested in participating and donate used hardware to be used in our projects, please reach out to mthompson@unconnected.org. We can pick up devices from all corners of the globe!
As part of CompAsia’s mission to maximise affordability and minimise ewaste, the company has partnered with unconnected.org to help spread the awareness of responsible device lifecycle management. This initiative also aims to provide preowned smart devices to communities in need. By tapping into unconnected.org’s network of like-minded corporations, CompAsia will have greater reach and will be accepting used devices from these businesses.
Devices that have been donated will then be assessed, data wiped and sanitised by CompAsia. Those that are fit for use will then be distributed to communities in need, whereas non-functioning devices will have their parts salvaged, with any residual value to be donated to unconnected.org.
Businesses that participate will greatly benefit from this initiative as they will receive a donation receipt upon the completion of their donation. This also frees up their inventory for fresher, up-to-date tech.
CompAsia also hopes that this initiative will help more people realise the value of their devices beyond its initial lifespan. A tablet that is no longer practical for use in an office setting may still provide immeasurable value for a student living in poverty.
“There is so much we can achieve with used technology especially in developing nations. As internet access becomes more readily available, providing needy communities with viable smart devices could make all the difference in bettering the future.”