Women from India looking at a mobile phone.

Sponsor a school

Support us to provide meaningful connectivity to students by sponsoring a school .

Why you should support us

A young girl and boy looking at a laptop.

Today businesses are being measured on their social responsibility by their employees and customers. Increasingly, they are expected to use their resources to make a positive difference and base their decision-making around the right thing to do, not just how to maximise profits.

unconnected.org can help your business to fulfil these expectations.

Connectivity addresses many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and your support will improve your SDG measurements, CSR goals, and sustainability rating. But more importantly, your business can help address poverty and inequality to effect real change.

How you can get involved

Why Should Your Organisation Adopt a School with Unconnected.org?

  1. Empower Digital Education: By adopting a school, you provide the essential digital infrastructure that empowers students with the tools they need for a modern education. Bridging the digital divide has never been more critical.

  2. Simple Partnership: Adopting a school is straightforward. With a $5,000 donation, we collaborate closely with our dedicated volunteers on-site to execute the project efficiently and effectively.

  3. Showcase Social Responsibility: Your commitment to education and community development will shine as a beacon of your corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. This initiative speaks volumes about your brand's values.

    Tangible Results for Your Brand:

  4. CSR Reporting: Receive comprehensive CSR reports detailing the progress of the project. These insights become an integral part of your yearly reports, showcasing your meaningful contributions.

  5. Engaging Co-Branded Content: Gain access to captivating co-branded content directly from the school. This engaging content provides authentic stories that highlight the positive changes your partnership brings.

  6. Global Impact: Embrace the opportunity to make a lasting global impact. Every adopted school with Unconnected.org has a ripple effect that reaches beyond the classroom, creating a brighter world for all.

connectED - Adopt a school

See first hand the impact on education by adopting a school in the communities we serve. Your company can play a pivotal role in transforming learning environments and shaping brighter futures.

Other projects you can get involved with today

I.D.E.A. (International Digital Education Alliance) is connecting underpriviledged students to the internet for the first time

We unite industry leaders to connect schools and students with eLearning capabilities. Our target is 200,000 young students in Indonesia, Nigeria and Mexico.

Contact us to sponsor this project.

Supporting Ukraine

Topping up mobile phones in war-zones can be dangerous. It often requires the person to leave the home to get to a top-up kiosk. We have connected to all the operators within Ukraine. This means we can top them up without them having to make this dangerous journey. We also provide phones, chargers, SIM Cards.

Contact us to sponsor this project.

unconnected.org project and SDGs

Sponsor 4 months of mobile connection including finance access in Mexico

Sponsor 500 people connections for US$10,000 so that refugee families can find their feet and safety. Our partner, Mex Movil, provide a monthly mobile connection as well as access to micro-finance for some of Mexico’s least affluent communities.

This project impacts 5 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, gender equality and reduced inequalities.

Contact us to sponsor this project.

A woman in colourful clothing cooking in Mexico.
unconnected.org and SDGs

Connecting rural schools in Malawi

US$5,000 connects a school of 80+ students with a satellite dish and high speed connection for a year, WiFi, computers, cabling, converters and offline learning content that also tracks student progress monthly. Our partner, Fast Networks, won a First Place award in the IEEE Connecting the Unconnected Challenge in 2022 with their Kangindwa Primary School Community Project and your business can help expand their impact.

This project impacts 4 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: no poverty, quality education, gender equality and reduced inequalities.

Contact us to sponsor this project.

Connecting schools to the internet in Malawi - unconnected.org
unconnected.org and the SDGs

How your company benefits

Corporations like to partner with us:

  • To improve their sustainability rating

  • To demonstrate to customers and employees that they are socially responsible

  • Make a real, visible, tangible, and long-lasting difference

  • Leverage our initiatives as an in-house CSR program

  • Select the most relevant project for your organisation to sponsor

  • Ensure funding goes directly to recipient

  • Rally your employees, friends, and families to support

  • Proactively position your brand as an agent of positive change

Talk to us about your ESG and social impact reporting

  • We partner with leading firms to help you measure and report upon your social impact

  • Ask us how our projects work to improve your ESG, CSRD, SDG, SRoI, GRI, and other reporting frameworks

  • Ask us about the CMore Impact Maturity software

Woman carrying a sack on her head interacting with a red phone.
Logo: Earth active, Bespoke ESG advisors
Logo: CMore, Beyond the obvious.


we make a difference