Catalyse community internet networks around the globe!

By sponsoring the connectivity kickstarter package for a community you are through a one time donation ensuring that a community and the schools within it gets free access for the future!

Together we are sustainably bridging the digital divide.

Your donation will catalyze a community with access for the future.

A donation of US$10,000 (or the equivalent in £ or €) helps us connect a whole community to the internet long term in a sustainable way to ensure longevity! .

How will your donation be used??

Your donation will be used to procure specially negotiated connectivity and hardware equipment, which will be provided to vetted and authorised local entrepreneurs in rural and underserved communities.

These entrepreneurs will receive everything required to establish a community WiFi service, allowing community members to purchase affordable internet vouchers to sustain the business model.

Meanwhile, the local school in the community will enjoy free internet access!

This approach ensures the community remains connected through an initial investment, enabling them to sustain their connectivity without the need for ongoing aid.

  • Your support will be helping people who really need it and not as a one time fix but as a long term sustainable solution!

  • Access a branding pack that you can use to promote your company’s involvement and support

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) drives new business opportunities

  • Increases staff engagement, recruitment & retention.

  • Share the stories from the community with the world to show the impact this will have!

We provide CSR opportunities with measured impacts & marketing materials to promote your involvement with the community. Promote your support in the press, on your website, to your employees, customers and shareholders.

How can your brand benefit?

Your Official Supporter kit

Your business receives:

  • An official and uniquely watermarked badge that you can use to promote your support of the community

  • Promotion by of your organisation as an official supporter on its website, social media and community communications

  • A branding pack your marketing team can use in press releases, your social media posts, website and beyond

  • A employee communications pack that can be used to let your employees know the good that you are doing

  • Access to impact statements