is not alone in its thinking…

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The idea of connecting the unconnected is not a new one and connection to the internet underpins many of the UN’s 17 sustainability goals. It is therefore not surprising that there are a number of NGOs and Non Profit Organisations looking to help close this gap.

Are these organisations competition? Absolutely not. The problem of half the world not having access to the internet is a real one and is growing the chasm between the haves and have nots so the more people addressing this issue the better. Some organisations are looking at this from a particular perspective such as The Girl Effect who are looking at the major issue of gender inequality and using technology to help improve the lives of women around the world.

There are locally based organisation such as BRCK who are looking to improve the situation with their very real understanding of the issues on the ground and developing solutions to meet the needs they see in front of them.

There are some of the more familiar organisations such as Overseas Development Institute with their digital program.

This is by no means an exhaustive list and just a very small example of some of the great work already being done.

Our goal is not to reinvent the wheel but to work with these organisations and to utilise our in-depth understanding of the mobile technological world and our vast connections within that world to bring a different view to the table and build on the fantastic work already being done.

Currently, we are talking with Practical Action about adding connectivity to the communities they have recently enabled with electricity to further help them build towards an environment which we in the developed world are very familiar with and all the advantages that brings.

Time will tell how successful we are in building these partnerships but what this proves beyond doubt is how critical this issue is and the more people working towards solving it the better.


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