Mother and daughter using a phone and textbook to learn.

Donate a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Change a life.

We are connecting 1 billion unconnected people to the internet. By donating your old device, you help people access education, employment and other life-changing opportunities and provide connectivity for refugees and those fleeing conflict or abuse.

We are 100% run by volunteers so that 98% of donations reach people in need.

Send your old phone, give it purpose.

By donating your mobile phone you will be helping us:

  • re-gift them to people in need

  • resell them and use the income to buy phones, tablets and laptops to people in need overseas

  • recycle phones, that can't be re-gifted or resold, in a safe and responsible way

We will safely remove your data with our partner Genuine Solutions.

How you will make a difference

Retro device

We recycle it in a safe and responsible way.

A retro mobile phone

5-7 year old device

You could give someone 6 months of vital internet connection.

A touchscreen phone that is 5-7 years old

3-5 year old device

You could give a refurbished device to someone in need. They will also get 6 months of vital internet connection.

A touchscreen phone that is 3-5 years old

Device <3 years old

Give someone a refurbished smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. We also provide them 12 months of internet .

A touchscreen phone that is less than 3 years old

How to donate your device

Phone with an illustration showing the phone is a gift
  • Don’t worry if you are not able to do this, if the device has charge, we can do this for you.

    Find out how to safely remove your data. Read Genuine Solution’s guidance on removing personal data.

  • We may need to contact you if the phone is locked, this could be by phone or email. Please provide your name, phone number and email address.

  • Make sure to add your contact details (as detailed above) to the package.

  • Freepost RGTA-THHY-AATU


    Freepost Genuine Solutions

    Solutions House

    223 Hook Rise South

    Surbiton, Surrey

    KT6 7LD

  • If you have written the code “RGTA-THHY-AATU” your parcel will be free to post

Our device donation programme is conducted in partnership with Genuine Solutions, multi-award-winning and accredited experts in the safe and recovery, disposal and re-distribution of mobile technology.