unconnected.org is launching connectSTARS in Indonesia together with Circles.

Circles, a global telco technology company, partners unconnected.org, a nonprofit dedicated to bridging the digital divide and transforming lives through technology, to create a positive future for underprivileged children around the world.

A 2022 UNESCO data reported that 244 million children and youth between the ages of 6 and 18 worldwide are still out of school. Quality education is crucial to help individuals and communities combat poverty, social exclusion and gender inequalities. However, access to education is greatly impaired by barriers such as lack of funding for education, schools and teachers.

In line with its mission to give power back to people, Circles provides funding and the donation of internet connectivity through its roaming and e-Sim service, Jetpac, to help unconnected.org accelerate its transformative programs, such as connectSTARS, to digitally connect underprivileged children who have little to no access to education, to online learning courses and programs through its education partners. The connectSTARS initiative not only provides internet connectivity to students in need but also fosters their digital literacy and skills development. To date, the partnership has powered over 300,000 lessons for underprivileged students in Indonesia and Africa.

Lawrence Corbett, Chief Operating Officer of Circles says, “Digital inclusion is crucial to help connect individuals and communities with equitable access to the internet, technologies and online learning. We are delighted to partner unconnected.org, which allows us to amplify our beliefs and services beyond the everyday work that we do and make a positive impact on the future of these children.” He continues, “At Circles, we are driven by a learner’s mindset and believe that if you ‘keep on learning’ you will ‘keep on growing’. At the heart of our business, we provide delightful digital experiences to people through reliable digital connectivity and innovative digital services, such as Jetpac. When we combine both, this partnership makes perfect sense in addressing our shared vision. Together, we look forward to digitally connecting more children to education, information and training, thus empowering them for a brighter future.”

Mea Thompson, Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer of unconnected.org says, “We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Circles. With Circle’s generous funding and shared vision, we are now one step closer to realizing our collective goal of a digitally connected world. We believe that access to digital education is a fundamental right, and this partnership with Circles reinforces our commitment to making that right a reality for every child, regardless of their socio-economic background. Through this partnership, we are empowering young minds to reach their full potential and opening doors to a brighter future. Together, we will build a connected future that leaves no one behind.”

Get in touch with unconnected.org if your company also wants to join in and make a lasting change for generations to come.


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