Press Release: Launching connectED in Malawi Launches connectED Project in Malawi Bringing Internet Connectivity and Educational Resources to Schools and the surrounding community

For immediate release

London, 9th Aug 2023, a charity dedicated to bridging the digital divide and transforming lives through technology, is excited to announce the launch of their connectED program in Malawi. connectED aims to connect schools to the internet, provide essential hardware, and offer specially curated online educational materials tailored to the country's needs.

connectED is an innovative initiative that not only empowers schools and their pupils with access to the internet but also creates a self-sustaining model by reselling internet connectivity to people in the communities surrounding the schools. By generating these funds, the schools become self-sufficient and no longer depend on external funding, while also delivering internet connectivity to the previously unconnected local community. 

"We are thrilled to launch connectED in Malawi and take a significant step towards ensuring equal opportunities for students in the region" said Ben Mansell, COO and co-founder of 
"This project demonstrates what can be achieved when local organisations and global corporations work together to address the digital divide and provide students with the tools they need to bring them into the digital age and offer them greater chances to succeed."

The project is generously sponsored by, a foundation working to facilitate equitable access to connectivity that believes in the power of technology to transform lives. 

"We are happy to contribute to another project that our partner is working on," said Arnoud Oosten, Project coordinator for "By doing this project in Malawi, a country with minimal access to connectivity, we can further bridge the digital divide."

Fast Networks Africa, a prominent technology implementation partner, is responsible for implementing the connectED project in Malawi. Their expertise and dedication to advancing connectivity solutions in the region make them an ideal partner for this project.

“It has been an exciting journey to the rural communities to work with the and whose noble digital cause is closer to our noble actionable digital mission of connecting the underserved and alleviate rural digital literacy poverty amongst rural communities of Malawi," said Barros Mweso, Co founder of Fast Networks Malawi. "Collective digital partnership can bring tremendous upper hand towards rural connectivity Inclusion"

connectED is a crucial component of our journey to connect 1 billion people to the internet," stated Ben Mansell from "We invite all like-minded organisations and individuals to join us in this mission, as together, we can make a real difference in the lives of millions."

For more information about and the connectED project, please visit

About is a charity dedicated to bridging the digital divide and transforming lives through technology. Their mission is to connect the unconnected and ensure that every individual, regardless of their socio-economic background, has equal opportunities to thrive in the digital age.'s initiatives span across all regions, with a focus on connecting students, women, refugees, and underserved communities. Through strategic partnerships with NGOs, local communities, educational institutions, and corporate organizations, they leverage innovative projects with a focus on inclusivity and equity

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ben Mansell

COO Co-Founder

Previous is launching connectSTARS in Indonesia together with Circles.


Technology Companies Around the World Rallying to Close the Digital Divide