Our blog
Find out about our latest projects and what we are doing at unconnnected.org.
How to live without internet connection in a COVID world
How would you stay up to date about the COVID-19 pandemic if you do not have an internet connection?
The Lancet COVID-19 Commission & Inequality
We call on all relevant UN agencies to take concrete steps with the digital industry and governments to accelerate universal access to digital services, including public–private financing to extend connectivity to hard-to-reach populations.
COVID, Cocaine & Violence
A call to help the youth in Medellín stay away from crime, and to help the Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid in providing that youth a way to be part of the society and and contribute to their development and the development of others.
COVID 19 are all things equal between men and women?
Does COVID-19 impact women more than men? Perhaps not medically, but that is not all that we should consider.
COVID-19, connectivity and its effect on education globally.
Inequality grows globally as students can’t connect during COVID-19.
Micro businesses in the developing world & the value of the internet
In the developing world micro-businesses make up a large percentage of the economy. Internet connectivity is critical to fuel their growth and impact the economy..
Providing mobile connections to women in developing countries
Young women are less likely to have access to a mobile phone in the developing world. This unfortunate truth is a major impediment in driving gender equality.