Volunteers holding out free mobile connectivity at the Romania Ukraine border.

Our blog

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Connecting Refugees Ben Mansell Connecting Refugees Ben Mansell

Escaping Ukraine - Part 1

One year on. Remembering the displacement of Ukraine’s people and the importance of technology in solving their challenges.

This is the first of 4 posts we’ll share in the coming weeks about the impact connectivity had on the lives of those fleeing conflict and establishing new lives elsewhere.

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UN SDGs Paula Marques UN SDGs Paula Marques

Half a bread and a book

Opinion Article: How can connectivity help accelerate the SDGs?

Why a book? Instead of a half a bread? Why libraries? Why learning? Why education?

The answer today is the same it was in 1931. To raise really free-thinking humans, able to understand human values like justice, freedom, democracy, love, honesty, dignity, compassion, courage, friendship, loyalty, respect, generosity, kindness.

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Connecting communities Jeroen Hoevenberg Connecting communities Jeroen Hoevenberg

On Location in Rural Mexico

I am one of theunconnected.org’s ambassadors based in Mexico. I have been working with the team on the ground to launch a project where together with NGO Mentors International, we are offering broadband internet at no-cost to people who would otherwise have no internet connection.

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